Wednesday, May 27, 2009


As i was looking through some zeroes I saw that I said heroes not Zeros, sorry, but you get the point.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have a contest and it is very easy but for real detectives there is a harder one. Easy Contest:What is the new threat? Prize: Being Mentioned Hard one what is the species of the thing (hint: it is long and thick) Prize: Gets to give few ideas and I will only consider their idea(s). To know more or give an answer by either e-mailing me at or or by leaving a comment. Thank You! (more contests are coming and trailers)

                   Cool Trailer!!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trunko LIve and Zeroes

Zeroes and Trunko live are lost deep in space (the space of thinking that is) I will bring them back sooon and try to maintain new ones at least every month i will also give a sneak peek of each one i have one for trunko live it will be about a new threat in ugly town zeroes will fight this new threat in the next episode, i will try to finish both at least by the end of next week, bye!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Sorry, I haven't been posting. I need to tell you about other stuff. ! 1st I need to tell you about pocket god, T rex is here return of the pygmie is close coming also TLO (the last olympian) is here and I finished it super fast and thats over with so bye. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009